A49.9 Bacterial infection, unspecified
B34.9 Viral infection, unspecified
D84.8 Other specified immunodeficiencies
D84.9 Immunodeficiency, unspecified
E63 Other nutritional deficiencies
F10.3 Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol withdrawal state
J00-J06 Acute upper respiratory infections
J06.9 Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified
J10 Influenza due to identified seasonal influenza virus
J11 Influenza, virus not identified
R53 Malaise and fatigue
T56 Toxic effect of metals
T56.9 Toxic effect: Metal, unspecified
T67 Effects of heat and light
T69.9 Effect of reduced temperature, unspecified
Y40 Systemic antibiotics
Z29.8 Other specified prophylactic measures
Z73.0 Burn-out
Z73.2 Lack of relaxation and leisure
Z73.3 Stress, not elsewhere classified