A49.3 Mycoplasma infection, unspecified site
A56 Other sexually transmitted chlamydial diseases
A56.0 Chlamydial infection of lower genitourinary tract
A56.1 Chlamydial infection of pelviperitoneum and other genitourinary organs
A59 Trichomoniasis
A60 Anogenital herpesviral [herpes simplex] infection
A63.8 Other specified predominantly sexually transmitted diseases
B37.3 Candidiasis of vulva and vagina
B97.7 Papillomavirus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters
J20 Acute bronchitis
N30.1 Interstitial cystitis (chronic)
N30.2 Other chronic cystitis
N34 Urethritis and urethral syndrome
N41 Inflammatory diseases of prostate
N48.1 Balanoposthitis
N48.6 Induratio penis plastica
N70 Salpingitis and oophoritis
N71 Inflammatory disease of uterus, except cervix
N72 Inflammatory disease of cervix uteri
N74.4 Female chlamydial pelvic inflammatory disease
N75.9 Disease of Bartholin gland, unspecified
N76 Other inflammation of vagina and vulva
N86 Erosion and ectropion of cervix uteri